To ensure water security for the Catawba-Piedmont region, we present six recommendations to improve water quality and quantity. Please click on individual recommendation for more details.
- Implement the Catawba-Wateree Master Plan to bring together various stakeholders like Duke Energy, the state of North and South Carolina, local and county government, and utility companies to manage the water for consumptive uses and energy production
- Require Duke Energy to propose plans on reducing coal-fire ash plants and cleaning ash ponds to prevent future incidents like the accidental leak on Dan River
- Require developers to have a strategy to filter sediments that are produced from construction sites to prevent sedimentation
- Reduce individual’s riparian rights (143-215.22H) and reduce the quantity of water riparian right user’s by redefining proper usage that does not allow users to siphon up to 100,000 gallons of water a day without a permit
- Limit Duke Energy’s ability to transfer water within Catawba River to other basins through inter-basin transfer
- Create guidelines for limits that the agriculture industry have in terms of quantity of water they can access